Student association of the Faculty of mechanical engineering East Sarajevo „Žiroskop” was founded in 1997 with the aim of gathering students of the Faculty of mechanical engineering and representing their interests during their studies.
Student association Žiroskop
Through their efforts during their studies, the members of the association work together to help the faculty in its promotion and progress through various activities. In this way, students reciprocate the wide range of knowledge and openness provided by professors, assistants and other staff of the Faculty of mechanical engineering. Through leadership and decision-making, they prepare for their business career, because in modern engineering, managerial skills play a significant role. The “Žiroskop” motivates students, encourages young people to enroll in the faculty, cooperates with the Student parliament of the University of East Sarajevo and other organizations as well as business entities, and thus becomes recognizable.

Our vision is to become one of the reasons for enrolling at the Faculty of mechanical engineering in East Sarajevo, to continuously raise the quality of studies at our faculty and to make students’ efforts in the interest of the Organization to form better engineers tomorrow in a modern industry developing at lightning speed.

The association currently has 75 members and is a full member of the sssociation of mechanical engineering organizations of the former Yugoslavia.
Members of the association can be all students of the Faculty of mechanical engineering in East Sarajevo, teachers and others who express their free will to become members, and that this is in accordance with the interests of the association.
Honorary members are elected at the Assembly of the association.
Cooperation with other student organizations
The association got in touch with the Youth association of students of the Faculty of electrical engineering East Sarajevo “STELEKS”, with which it organizes and participates in activities related to students of mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.

Membership in the Association of mechanical engineering students
Every year, the members of the Association attend the session of the ZOSM, where decisions are made on the competition in knowledge and sports – “Mašinijada” and where cooperation with organizations of other mechanical engineering faculties is realized.
This year, the session was held in Banja Luka, where, in addition to representatives from East Sarajevo, students from Belgrade, Novi Sad, Nis, Kragujevac, Sarajevo, Tuzla, Banja Luka, Kraljevo, Mostar also attended.
Visits to business entities
Every year, the members of the Association visit companies where they have a direct insight into the things that are taught at the faculty. After these visits and making contact with them, students are offered internships and the chance of employment increases immediately after graduation.
Some of the visits in the past period were in:
- ORAO a.d.
The “Mašinijada” is a traditional competition and gathering of students from 16 faculties of mechanical engineering in the former Yugoslavia and as such is the largest sports and educational event for students in the Balkans.
Cooperation with the Institute for Standardization of B&H
From the first year of study, we realize the importance and role of standardization in technical sciences. We see, for example, that even the slope of the letters in the technical script is standardized. Through further courses, we learn that entire machine systems are constructed, manufactured and exploited with the help of certain standards. So, if there was no standardization that facilitates our profession, there would be no production in today’s form and we would still be living in the middle ages.
The “Žiroskop” signed the Agreement on cooperation with the Institute for standardization of B&H, on January 25, 2022. in Sarajevo and thus we have free, online access to quality standards. Now our colleagues can access the standards required for the preparation of their seminars, final papers in the first cycle, master’s theses and doctoral dissertations.
The first colleague who has already used the free access to the standard for the purpose of writing a final paper in the first cycle in the field of cutting theory is Igor Babić. We hope that in the future this Agreement will help many of our colleagues.
Charity work
As future responsible academic citizens, we strive, in accordance with our capabilities and time, to help people who are currently in a difficult situation.
- In cooperation with the humanitarian organization „Oplemeni srce“ from East Sarajevo and colleagues from STELEKS, a number of New Year’s packages are being collected.
- Members of „Žiroskop“ participate in voluntary blood donation actions together with other student organizations from East Sarajevo
Promotion of the faculty and encouragement of young people to enroll at the Faculty of mechanical еngineering
Before the start of the academic 2021/22. The “Žiroskop” encouraged enrollment at the Faculty of mechanical engineering by awarding the five most successful candidates at the entrance exam where the costs of enrolling at the faculty were covered.
Through its Instagram profile, activities and educational material are shown, which at the same time serves to promote the faculty.
Members of the Association participate in the Creative workshop realized by the Faculty of mechanical engineering, designed for high school pupils to get acquainted with the content that offers three professional directions, as well as the laboratory resources of the Faculty.
Organizing social activities, some of which could be used for humanitarian purposes:
- Tournament “Slagalica“
- Chess tournament
- General knowledge quiz
Short lectures from other scientific fields and conversations with students (sociological, health and other topics of lectures and conversations)
Film night
Participation in the competition in knowledge and sports – “Mašinijada 2022“ on mountain
Expert visit to the company “Kolektor” in Slovenia, the Faculty of mechanical еngineering in Ljubljana and laboratories together with assistant Aleksija Đurić.
Funding of at least the five most successful candidates in the entrance exam for the academic year 2022/23.
One of the main goals is to maintain all these social, humanitarian and promotional activities from year to year, innovating them and introducing new activities that will be an expression of creative ideas of future members of the Association of students of the Faculty of mechanical engineering East Sarajevo.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”